VUMC in the time of COVID
In the wake of the pandemic, Vanderbilt had suspended all elective procedures to accommodate the wave of expected cases. As the infection numbers plateaued a new threat was realized. It was the harsh reality of people whose lives depended upon getting care for their pre-existing health conditions. From oncology to orthopedics, the effect of people living without care was real. To help Vanderbilt let the people of Tennessee know that it was safe to return, a simple message was crafted. This message capitalized on narratives that permeated the news landscape — personal safety and essential workers. The statement was simple: Staying safe is essential and so is your health. Video, print, outdoor, and a geo-targeted digital campaign were utilized to get the word out. The response to this call to action was so great that after a month Vanderbilt doubled down on its media spend and virtually took over middle Tennessee with messaging. The end result was a return to scheduled procedures that surmounted pre-covid appointments.